Code : Antra32

Category : Intersection Controller Devices

EN 50556 and   TS HD 638 S1  and TS EN 12675 and EN 50293   IP-65 is certified.
ANTRA is a Intersection Control Device produced by Sinyalizasyon Electronic to providing traffic regulation and pedestrian safety. The Intersection Control Device is a technology that operating the traffic signal lights  and providing environmental safety with built-in infrastructure built on existing junctions.
With the safety functions on the device, lamp outbreaks, infrastructure problems, police control, detector and green wave systems features are presented to users. Besides, owing to GPS and internet connection, date-time shifts and automatic summer and winter time adjustments are made automatically. Our device is compatible with Windows, IOS and Android based operating systems. Through the software developed by us, it is presented to you a clear and easy operating and installation . 
Because it is entirely our own production,  you are ensured the continuous technical support, quality in production, fast delivery.
  رمز المنتج
Product Category ANTRA Intersection Controller Device
Operating Voltage 220-230 VAC
Operating Output Voltage 220 VAC or 42 VAC
Operating Frequency  50 Hz
DC Power Supply oltage 24 VDC
Power Supply pfc  >0.9
Device Leakage Current Protection Fuse 0.3A OK
Human Leakage Current Protection Insurance 0.03A OK
Lightning Protection Phase, Neutral Parafudr 40KA OK
20a abs rfi filter dirty mains filter OK
Mono phase electricity meter OK
CPU program card OK
SSM output card OK
HMI display card OK
HEPI modem card (optional) OK
Programming usb-rs485-tablet pc usb-mobile phone and pc wi-fi-3g modem remote programming OK
Program or flash with manual position switch OK
Pedestrian button feature (optional) OK
Police control feature (optional) OK
Detector or pulse detector feature (optional) OK
Interval signaling according to vehicle count and traffic intensity by camera (optional) OK
Ambulance priority control module (optional) OK
Full access via HEPI modem card to the central system via the skada room (optional) OK
Full access via manual personal computer with HEPI modem card OK
Getting the program in the device OK
Adjustable Features
Ability to adjust the Flemish break reaction time. Ability to adjust the Flemish break reaction time....
Flash or shutdown preference in case of failure and error. 200ms or 1sec flash adjustment time.
Phase contact Line contact
Exit failure AC voltage range
DC voltage range Hz frequency range
Fault and transaction logs Command transaction records
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